After throwing in a load of laundry and scrubbing up yet more carpet, we all snuggled back up to bed. Buster kept yawning. He yawns when he is nervous. And we are all now very well aware of what he does when he is nervous! Every whimper and snort and yawn and stretch made by Buster jolted me out of sleep. Thankfully, but also infuriatingly, there were no more accidents throughout the night.
I can't wait for exactly 6:20 p.m. tonight because that is when I am going to bed. Bah.
A. opened his birthday gifts last night. (His b-day is Friday, but he will be up north ice-fishing.) I got him an Absinthe glass and spoon.

He is rather fascinated by all the folklore surrounding this newly-legal-again-in-the-States spirit. Unfortunately, when I swung by the liquor store last night to pick up a bottle, I was greeted with empty shelves. Apparently, just yesterday, someone came in a bought up all 12 bottles in stock. What in the hell could they have planned?
I opened my final birthday present last night, too. A. and I were both very excited to try it out. We wondered how much it would tickle. We giggled.
Afterword, we were amazed at the power. We both sighed, totally refreshed.
I am a lucky girl to have one of these for my bedtime routine:

The absinthe was all sold out at our liquor store as well. What are folks up to? It's not like you can really binge drink that stuff!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday A!
I hope you get some sleep tonight and the winds CALM down.
Ooh, that absinthe gift looks fun. I have never tried it and I DID NOT KNOW it's now legal in the States! Will try this weekend. :)
ReplyDeleteHope your Valentine's Day includes lots of uninterrupted sleep.
Absinthe! I DID NOT KNOW about this! I've wondered about it ever since all those old school HBO shows started featuring it (Deadwood, Carnivale)
ReplyDeleteGreat gift! FYI I think you used A.'s full name and you may want to edit that...
ReplyDeleteWhile I'm sure the pee was hell to clean up, I couldn't help but giggle a little at the mental picture of it.
ReplyDeleteJess - good catch! Sometimes I will call him "A." in real life.
ReplyDeleteI tried Absinthe in Prague and I thought it was good. It tastes like anise. You definitely don't binge on it, like you said, Flib. So I have no idea what people are doing with all of those bottles...
It becomes legal on different dates in different states. I think it is probably legal just about everywhere now.
bwaaahaha. toothbrush. hee.
ReplyDeletedang, 12 bottles of absynthe? is that person afraid it's going to re-illegal-ize (totally a word)??
Alice - my first thought was some crazy-ass Born Again type just couldn't bear the thought of the Green Devil being on the loose. Ha!
ReplyDeleteWhoa- absinthe is legal? I best not tell my husband. How much does it cost?
ReplyDeleteOhmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod. I have been FASCINATED by absinthe since approximately 2002, when my LiveJournal icon was absinthe and for some reason, I decided I need to taste it. It was illegal at the time, but that didn't stop me from thinking it would be a really cool plot point in a story (which never got written).
ReplyDeleteNOW IT'S LEGAL?!? I must try it. (Even though I know I will hate it because I don't like the flavor of anise.)
Splashy laps? So bad it's good. I have a hair trigger for the sound of Phoebe throwing up a hairball. I will bolt out of bed, bug-eyed and WIDE AWAKE at the mere beginning gulpy-gag of a Phoebe Incident.
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain.
Ahhhh, Absinthe! The memories it brings back of turning blood red from the collar-line up in that wonderous cave of a pub in Czesky Krumlov....