Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday Five: Not as Occasional

1. I am going to try to make it to the gym again tonight. (Wow! How is that for passive!?!?) Last night didn't work out, so now I will have only gone to the gym once last week, and once this week. Hmm. Shitty.

I suppose most of my problem here is I am expecting time at the gym to magically "work out" on its own, rather than, say, dedicating actual, scheduled time to going to the gym. *sigh* Damn.

Damn agency to hell. How about fate take a hand in this gym-going stuff?

2. Another possible excuse
glitch in this plan is if A. wants to get home right after work because the poor boy could be STARVING by then. We have done a great job bringing just one vehicle (and the gas-sipping Honda, to boot!) into town since returning to work after the New Year. It is almost like it was an unspoken Joint New Year's Resolution. We will see how we do next week when A.'s classes resume.

3. I am in the middle of a wicked Cookie Withdrawal. I went so bonkers baking Christmas cookies that they became a bit of a staple item in our pantry as of late. I find myself ROAMING the kitchen, the fridge, the cupboards an hour or so after dinner hunting for cookies.

4. While it is shitty that I haven't been to the gym in a week, it is also not shitty that I haven't made it to the gym but once per week. Not going suits my very lazy ass just fine.

5. Earlier this week I had a hair appointment. I had decided I wanted to grow it out a bit longer. I came back with the cutest, short style I've had in a long time. I'll post a picture as soon as I get my hands on a camera. Woo hoo! New haircuts are fun!

Happy Friday to you!


  1. Cookies! Cookies! That's what my weekend is devoted to!

    I never could get into going to the gym. I'm much better at walking around the neighborhood, and that one brief foray into running around the neighborhood. Maybe that's why I still have a belly though. Hmmm . . .

  2. 1. It seems that fate is trying to push me to get up early to go to the gym, much as I try to resist. The latest is that my new thyroid medication needs to be taken in the morning an hour before eating, so now I have to get up early and I have nothing to do. Still, I'm resisting. We'll see who wins.

    2. I love the term "gas-sipping." Did you make it up?

    5. I am dying for pictures! But are you trying to say that the stylist cut your hair shorter than you wanted? Or did you change your mind at the last minute?

  3. Flibberty - I am afraid a weekend of cookies and not working out is in my future, too! Maybe we can both make Kitchen Sink Cookies and taste test them?

    Jess - I did not make up gas-sipping, I am pretty sure I absorbed that term from a Subaru commercial. Lame un-originality? Or clever re-appropriation? I'll let you decide.

    I'd need something like a VERY NECESSARY schedule, such as with your new meds, to get my ass out of bed in time to work out. Bleh. And Tessie has not sold me on the lunch-hour-workout just yet.

    I totally changed my mind about what I wanted to do with my hair. I was BORED, BORED, BORED with my previous non-do. It was terrible because I'd never style it, and when I did it was half-assed and BORING.

    Now I love it! I'll post tonight, I think. I can't seem to commit to much tonight, eh?

  4. I can't say I know the feeling of coming home with a new haircut and feeling great. It's pretty traumatic every time I go. Would love to see your pictures - it might convince me to be a little more adventurous!

  5. And darn you for using the word "agency" in a post! (That word is my nemesis.)

    Looking forward to seeing the short 'do. And good for you for getting to the gym at least once this week. I swore that I was going to go to a yoga class, and it just didn't happen. I blame hegemonic forces.

  6. LoriD - Oh, that is too bad! I LOVE getting a new do! Although, I hate having to actually style it every day...

    Lisa - "hegemonic forces." Awesome excuse. AWESOME.

  7. I always lose motivation to go to the gym. However, if there were a "Beam Me Over to the Gym" button that would simply transport me in appropriate dress, etc., and then a "Beam Me Home" button that would return me sweaty and nearly comatose to shower in my own home, I'd exercise faithfully.


  8. OOH! I want to see your new 'do. I'm considering cutting my hair off in a bold new short 'do, but thus far I haven't found THE STYLE.

  9. You are ahead of me on the gym thing. I have not been (and I faithfully pay for my membership monthly) in more than 5 (five) months. So, Go you!

  10. I happen to be in the market for a short hairstyle myself. Looking forward to the pictures!

  11. Oh my god. Cookie withdrawl. I'm over trying NOT to get in my car and go buy some brownie mix. It's so...HARD.


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