Buster is now doing his moan-back up-sit-stare-moan-back up-sit-stare routine to remind me that it is TIME FOR J-E-R-K-Y. Belle will not stop staring at me.
I just gave them a second T-R-E-A-T to try and satisfy them, but to no avail.
(Buster is on the left. It's too bad his GIANT BAT EARS aren't more visible here. Belle, on the right, is smarter than A., Buster and I combined. She is one tough cookie.)
(Homemade treats: 1 3/4 cups whole-wheat flour, 2 4.5-ounce jars of turkey baby food, just enough beef broth to make a stiff dough. Roll into little balls, smoosh with a fork and bake at 350 degrees for 18 to 20 minutes. For crunchy T-R-E-A-T-S, turn off the heat but keep the cookies in the oven overnight. In case you were interested!)

Along with fattening them up, I am busy with other preparations for the doggies' winter.
Check it out! I found a heated water dish so that their water won't freeze! (I really want this one, but we'll have to see if I can talk A. into it.)
But this is what I am really excited about: heating pads for the dog house!
This is so exciting, guys!
I really want to invest in these, but A. keeps teasing me. In all actuality, though, he's been scheming on how to fiddle with the dog house to make sure it keeps more heat in and more wind out. (The dogs stay outside during the day. They sleep inside with us. Buster usually cuddles with us on the bed all night, in fact. It's crowded, but he sure keeps us warm!)
I think, as these little pups get older, winter is going to get more and more difficult on them. I think I should definitely invest in these items. What do you think? Sensible investments or am I turning into one of those crazy people that treats their pets better than their neighbors?
*Any guesses as to who sings this song? It is one of my favorites!