Monday, July 23, 2007

Missing the Point

Today, as I walked across campus to drop off proofs for the printer, a sight so, well, silly, had me grinning my ass off. I looked like I was high in the middle of the afternoon.

Interior campus is blocked off to vehicular traffic but is pedestrian and bicycle friendly. Yay! (This was, and still is, a very sore spot for many of the I-drive-everywhere Western folks with whom I share my darling little campus.) It is not uncommon for me to hear little bells alerting me of a nearby cyclist. This particular little chime alerted me to a rather peculiar sight.

I noticed this courteous man riding the singing bicycle was middle-aged, athletic and appeared to be faculty. He had cute, curly, graying hair, except for the top of his head, where he was completely bald. Completely bald and completely sunburned. His shiny head was a very dark shade of red. I winced in sympathy; when I sunburn my scalp at the part in my hair I am miserable. Then I noticed something else.

The very bright white visor he was wearing.

A visor.

Not a hat. A visor.

To protect, you know, his eyes and face from the sun? It was hard not to giggle out loud.

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