Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Turns Out Writing a Whiny Post Lifts the Spirits a Bit!

I have been feeling very, very BLAH the past few days. I don't know what it is. We have been staying up a bit later than usual to watch the Olympics, so that may be part of it. I have discovered that my sleep patterns need to be pretty rigid or else I notice my mood changes.

I hope it is not that it is time to start tweaking the meds. I guess time will tell?


Otherwise, things are great. The thesis is moving forward and I should defend in the end of April! Oh, GOD! That is so freakin' soon, and yet it can't come quickly enough. I still have LOADS of work to do by then, but I am happy to do it. The past couple of days I have been dealing with Institutional Review Board crap and other administrative bullshit. Just more hoops to jump through. Hoops that move. And are sometimes on fire. And are thrown by lawyers. Or, worse, academics.


I am also very, very ready to be outside of the academic atmosphere for a while. I just need a view other than an ivory tower.


I am really behind at work. And the blah's aren't helping me feel motivated to get caught up. I feel buried.


I suppose I am just really overwhelmed, and there is no respite. Work is busy and stressful, home is busy and stressful.


I am not nearly so blah as this post would suggest. Or rather, writing this post and getting a couple of things crossed off my to-do list have lifted my spirits a bit.


I will get to the finish line. And then I will train for another race!

How are YOU?


  1. I am just happy you wrote this post! Yay!

  2. Yay for finishing the thesis! Wanna do my prelims for me?

    I totally understand about the administrative bullshit. I think IRB is secretly an extended psych research test to see how many layers of red tape it takes to make a grad student curl into the fetal position and cry.

    Good luck!

  3. Sigh. It gets to be too much sometimes.

  4. April is so soon! To think that this long journey will be over so soon must be bolstering, even through the administrative BS. And yes, academics can throw the hottest, most fiery hoops because they are just so damned self-righteous.

  5. Sometimes the act of writing it down, putting it out there, makes things seem that much more manageable!

    I'm doing better now that my vacation to someplace with sun is in about a month. At least I have something tangible to look forward to.

  6. In the words of Liz Lemon: "Winter Madness!"

    This winter is getting so OLD. Move on, winter. I'm anxious to play outside again.

  7. Oh, I hear you. And I'm not even IN the ivory tower anymore. I think it might be a February thing. I find myself having vigorous arguments with people who are not there/ aren't listening/ don't REALLY care what I think anyway.

    I think the blogging helps that way.

  8. if you had asked me last week, when i'd been snowed into my (boyfriend's) house for 8 days and the metro was still not running and OH MY GOD I WANT TO SEE MY FRIENDS AGAIN ONE DAY I'D EVEN BE HAPPY TO GO IN TO WORK, the answer would have been different.

    now that life has resumed? i am great! lovely! i finally blogged today for the first time in about 200 years, and it was about something fun, which made me be all "wow, i do a lot of fun things. that's awesome. go me!" which was a nice feeling :-)

  9. kinda blah myself. here it's rain, not snow, but still... blah.


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