My sister, T., had her darling, darling little baby boy on Thursday, February 28. I didn't dare post about anything until she delivered him and I knew they were both safe and sound. I just didn't want to temp The Universe to fuck with her, you know?
Soon, this darling little face found it's way to my cell phone:

Welcome, Delightful Little M.!
The next morning, A. and I loaded up the dogs and hopped in the car to head up to the wedding that
I thought was a week later. An uneventful and pleasant 11 hours later, we arrived. We saw A.'s cousins and aunts and uncles. These are some of the kindest, most genuine people I've ever had the good fortune to know. It was freezing outside but so, so, so warm inside the house with everyone. Everyone -
I mean everyone - congratulated me on being a new auntie as soon as they saw me. The bride even congratulated me in the receiving line! Seriously - I am so grateful that my family extended through A. are so wonderful.
His cousin M. got married and there was laughter and dancing until we were out of breath and dresses and shoes that hurt.

Then, because I was just
beside myself to see T. and The Delightful Little M., A. whisked me south 500 miles. We stopped quickly mid-way through and saw my step-brother, C., his wife, and their new one-month-old boy and two-and-a-half-year-old boy. (Sorry, no pictures. C.'s job is such that pictures of him and his family on the web is a big no-no.)
Finally, we made it to T.'s. And there was more laughter, and happiness and I was out of breath again - but because this little guy took my breath away:

Holy cow, you guys. My little sister
had a baby. And he is tiny. And he has tiny eyelashes. And he squeaks. And farts. Needless to say, there were tears, too. I had no idea being (a full-blooded) aunt could change the world so quickly and so dramatically.

(What a funny angle. I look like I have very large, very long legs. I do not.)We finally pulled ourselves away from The Delightful Little M. and my sister, her hubby and my dad to head back home. We stayed in yet another hotel. The dogs loved, loved, loved it. There are so many mysterious sounds in a hotel hallway! And we are all together in one room, so it isn't nearly the anxiety-ridden experience that the kennel was (for me and for Buster).

We crossed paths with hundreds of thousands of snow geese and sandhill cranes as they migrated north.

It was a good, good trip.
And! Now we are off to see The Delightful Little M. AGAIN and
this wonderful woman next week.
I can't wait.

Just look at those wide-open eyes!